Want a small mastermind?


Be authentically you –with me– in a no-judgment-zone, personality-driven space, and learn #allthings Squarespace & Web Design Business at your own pace!

Unprecedented access to a coach in a badass group, –without the expensive AF pricetag of a course or group cohort!

I love me a good course or program & have taken 30+ myself over the last 8 years, but...

They can be prohibitively priced for new freelancers –albeit, so many are actually worth that cost– but sometimes we can learn just as easily with the active guidance of a mentor, other like-minded people –& an assload of resources at our fingertips. Ami right? 🙌🏻

These days, courses don’t have a great rate of completion. I mean, how many have YOU taken …that you’ve
NOT finished yet? 😬

Traditional groups associated with educational courses usually have 1x monthly calls, but if you can’t ask the Pro questions in between, ––that’s a LONG ass time to wait for help!


or black-hole of FB Group complaints:

“NONE of the FB groups I’m in are ‘hangout’ spots for me.”

Where are people like me? 🤔

“I often feel like I can’t be 100% myself in other groups.”

You too?! 🙌🏻

“I see the same questions in there all the time. I need to find more people like me!”

Same. 😬

“No self-promotion rules make it hard to share my wins sometimes.”

I know, right?! 😂

“A month is a long time to wait for answers & sometimes I don’t exactly have a ‘question’ –I have a situation.”

Yup. I feel that! 😄

see what’s inside!

Facebook Groups are…

  • dying a painfully slow death

  • increasingly irritating to use for business purposes

  • full of ads and notifications ––distractions!

  • subject to shutdown at any point, sometimes for no reason

  • moderated by Zuckerberg’s algorithms & all those damn ads!

So it’s time we got off FB + found a space where we can be our authentically unorthodox self, set our own rules, and make sure our members can actually find useful content inside!


I agree & I’m coming to the rescue!

Here’s the thing.
Those groups are often so… “profesh” right?

We tend to post timidly, hoping we’re not violating group rules. (ie: starting posts with “Admins, delete if not allowed!” –or ‘is it okay to say **** in my post?!’)

It’s time to “get real” and be ourselves so people are more likely to get to know the real YOU.

It’s also harder to find useful resources, content, related older posts, etc. because Facebook was never meant to be a long-term resource. Your news feed is designed to help you find “new” stuff, which means old useful stuff gets buried! (After all, it’s not called an “oldfeed.” 😏)

photo of Katelyn smiling, holding a pink coffee cup that says "I came, I saw, I made it awkward" with text beside her head that says, "that's me! (Katelyn)" and an arrow pointing to my head


Hop inside to find the kind of authentically unorthodox, true-blue & personality-driven mentorship designer community you’ve needed, but didn’t think existed.

Get a virtual hang-out space where you can learn from Katelyn & befriend other members!

And… all under the wing of a guide (thas’ me!) who’s probably been through “it” before, no matter what “it” is.


  • to share feedback as I build the web designer systems course (coming soon!)

  • monthly group calls with Katelyn to ask questions

  • personalized feedback (ANY time) on your questions via comments, DMs, or Loom videos

  • exclusive members-only resources & workshops

    • CSS Snippet & Development Resource library (55+ items & growing)

    • Club Resource Library (50+ items & growing)

  • live & pre-recorded guest expert interviews

    • Paige Hulse, from Creative Law Shop,

    • Sam Remboldt, from Color Palette Studio

    • Diane Whiddon & Heather Hathaway, on using AI to create custom website imagery

  • secret members-only discounts on templates (& fun merch, coming soon!)

  • to learn from the experiences of the collective group + Katelyn’s insights

  • some new business friends & support with group discussion, DMs, &/or

  • scheduled, unstructured co-working sessions to work through problems together as a group, or just quietly alongside (virtually) someone else!

  • way more access to Katelyn so you don’t have to wait for the monthly calls for the chance to ask your questions!

Upcoming Events in the Club

But, I can’t buy one more thing!

I get it –and I totally FEEL that too.
In fact, I’m pretty sure I tell myself that at the start of every year:

“No new courses or programs this year, Katelyn!”

And then end up like Steve Martin in this clip, where my budget is essentially Bernadette Peters’ character. 😂🤷🏼‍♀️

But THIS, …is not that.

This is just a resource & a group of potential friends.
Join when ya need it. Leave when ya don’t.
No long-term commitment, –unless you want one.

You’re in control, so you can actually honor your budget!

A funny clip from ‘The Jerk’ where Steve Martin might as well be me buying all the courses, and his wife is basically the equivalent of my annual education budget. (Skipped to 1:50)

The Club is right for you if…

👩‍💻 you’re a newer designer or freelancer

🫣 you haven’t established processes yet & need systems help!

🧐 you’d love to have reliable access to non-generic feedback

😩 you’re not sure if you’re doing anything right

😰 you’re having trouble with business basics, like pricing your services

😏 you want a Pro in your pocket!

🤩 you need a relatable online community of people like you

and it’s NOT right for you if…

block you have an established business already making $30-50k+/yr

block you don’t need or want a coach/guide/mentor

block you don’t want a community of like-minded people

block you don’t need feedback on whatever you’re working on

block you already know everything & don’t need any help



Join for free & get whatcha pay for–– some access & a peek!


no strings or time limit
upgrade when/if you want
& NO long-term commitment


Support inside the community,
+ unprecedented access to moi (Katelyn).



get 1 month FREE with annual,
cancel or renew any time,
& NO long-term commitment!

Exclusive guest interviews, coupon codes, CSS snippets & more are waiting for you inside, RIGHT TF NOW!