Pricing Calculator
This easy-to-use, editable Notion or Google Sheet helps you figure out how to price your services and your hourly rate, then use that info to reach your financial goals!
pricing our services
often feels like…
“What’s my hourly rate, …actually?”
“If my prices are too high, I’m afraid I won’t get any clients…”
“I don’t know what to charge?”
“How do I know what to pay myself??”
“How do I know if my prices are too low?”
“I thought I was charging enough, but I need to make more money…”
Pricing our services
is actually just basic math.
So let’s figure out what
math will work for you!
I had no idea how much I was under charging! My favourite part about this template is how easy it is to update and play around with pricing and planning.
I love this pricing spreadsheet so much that I'll definitely consider buying more digital products from LTDT. Amazing value!
– Nadine
Hi Katelyn,
I hope you’re well. I wanted to reach out to share my appreciation for your profit calculator. My business, Virtually Sharlin, focuses on supporting neurodiverse business owners with back-office operations. I’m currently scaling up to a small boutique agency, rebranding as The Mosaic Link, where we connect the small pieces of our clients' businesses to create the bigger picture for Multipreneurs.
While putting together my new service packages, I realised I needed an easy-to-use, plug-and-play profit calculator and was excited to stumble across yours after trolling through the net for weeks and downloading calculators that were specific for my needs. Your calculator spreadsheet is exactly what I needed, and your tutorials were incredibly informative and easy to follow. After working with coaches to get my offers right, I felt more lost than ever before, but your calculator clarified everything, giving me the confidence I needed. I’m now excited to launch in January!
Thank you so much for creating such an invaluable tool.
Warm regards,
let the spreadsheet do the work for you!
With just 4 columns to fill out across 2 pages of automatically calculated data, the calculator does all the work for you to make it easier to play with your numbers & find the right math for you!
This easy-to-use, simple Notion database will help you figure out how to price your services, find out what your hourly rate really is, and use that information to reach your financial goals & learn how to fill up your service calendar with client projects charged at the right rates to reach your financial goals.
1 database to collect your input & calculate all the values needed to set your pricing accurately
lots of formula fields throughout to automatically perform the calculations for you
1 form to easily input new data without overwhelm
1 tab to calculate the price for all of your offers/services
1 tab to calculate your hourly rate for those services
1 tab to calculate annual projections per service & add those into a grand total
1 tab to calculate what the monthly, 2x monthly (every other week), and weekly financial goals are in order to hit your annual projections
1 database of formula guides, tips & resources to get the most out of your calculator template & make informed financial decisions
This template is great to have in your back pocket, and follows Mike Michalowicz's Profit First system loosely to help you plan for the big scary things like expenses, taxes, and learning how to pay yourself while still being profitable as a new solopreneur or freelancer.
2 spreadsheet tabs & a Help Center doc with formula cheatsheet, tips & resource guides.
Tab 1: Package & Hourly Pricing Calculation
Tab 2: Annual Project Planning & Financial Projections
Those tabs have ALL the same basic calculations & content that the Notion template has, just housed in Sheets instead.
You get to pick which version you want to use AFTER you buy it.
a tutorial video showing you how to copy the template to your account & make basic edits,
a formula cheatsheet with how-tos & examples for each formula,
some basic tax-related resources for adjusting your tax bracket percentage
Since the formulas do all the work, you can quickly see “where all your money is going” for you current prices, and how you’ll need to change them to make better paychecks.
When you’re done, you’ll be more confident in WHY you’re charging what you are, and probably less squeamish talking numbers with potential clients, because those digits actually MEAN something.
When I update the template and/or tutorials & resources that come with it, all current/past customers who purchased before will also get those updates FREE.
…Even if one of those updates (Nov. 2024) is a brand new option to use the Calculator inside Notion! 🤯
Calculates things like…
Charging X per hour but have a sneaking suspicion that your rates are too low? Yeah, I’ve done that too. –No more!
Figure out how much of each deposit goes into which bucket so you’ll be prepared for things like expenses, processing fees, taxes, profit ––and of course, your paychecks!
Picking package fees out of thin air without running the numbers means you probably don’t know how many clients you need to book in a year to reach your annual goal… right? Let’s fix that!
After you figure out how much each project has to be (to pay your bills, let’s be real!) then you can set up a real project schedule & download that freebie template to help you set it up & share it with clients!
Peek at the inside
This pricing template is right for you IF…
👩💻 you’re a newer designer or freelancer
🤔 you’re not sure what to charge your clients
🧐 you’re not sure if you’re charging enough
😩 you don’t know how to figure out your real hourly rate
😰 you don’t know how to plan or project your basic annual income
🫣 you’ve never thought about how much goes to taxes or processing fees
This template is a Google Sheet, so all you need is a Google account in order to use Google’s office suite which includes Docs, Sheets, Slides, Meet, and more. You don’t even have to have a paid Google Workspace plan!
The spreadsheet is full of formulas! But don’t worry, you’ll only have to edit ONE formula type after you make a copy, and I have a tutorial to walk you through it along with the cut & paste formula.
After that, you just fill in the yellow cells & the formulas will do the rest, making it very easy to ‘play’ with your numbers until you land on something that looks & feels good to you!
That’s okay! I wasn’t either, not all that long ago. In the accompanying tutorial video & help docs, there is also a list of all the copy/paste formulas this Sheet uses & a bit of information on how they each work.
And if you ever “mess it up,” you can just make a new copy of the Sheet & start fresh!
Nope! And I don’t claim to be one either. This is just the kind of basic math I did myself, that helped me finally realize how I could be profitable in my own business.
A lot of the ‘buckets’ or categories are from my own version of Profit First*, so I do encourage you to read that book –it’s a funny read & it’s life-changing for newer small businesses!
There are a few disclaimers on the Sheet that remind you to do your own due diligence as you figure out your numbers. I’m just providing the tool that will help you calculate very basic information that would otherwise require a big sheet of paper, a pencil and a LOT of erasing.
Nope! Definitely not. 😂 There are a few disclaimers on the Sheet & in the Help Docs in the Notion Wiki that will ask you to figure out what percentage of your income to set aside for paying your taxes wherever you live –there’s no way for me to know how to predict that for you.
I did provide a couple resources for U.S. customers as that’s where I’m based, but ultimately it’s always best to reach out to a tax professional to find out what tax bracket you’re in & what your business will need to pay based on the tax regulations wherever you live.
Due to the nature of digital products with immediate access, there are no refunds for this template because it's not possible for you to "return" a digitally delivered copy of the template for a refund once you've been granted immediate access. #sorrynotsorry
If you're not sure if this template is right for you, make sure you watch the video above where you can get a sneak peek of what it's like inside, how to use it, and read all of these FAQs if you haven’t already.