6 Strategies to get more eyes & sales on your website
Join 100+ students inside this
6-part, self-paced mini-course!
You have a website… but now what? 😬
“Do I need a logo or branding too?”
“What’s a …website strategy?”
“I’m not sure which marketing strategies to try…”
“How do I know if what I’m doing is working?”
“How do I convert viewers into clients?”
“I’ve heard of ‘content marketing,’ do I have to do video??”
What students are saying so far…
‘Build it & they will come’
does NOT work anymore.
So what does work??
Learn the basics of what brings traffic & clients!
Each module is jam-packed with tons of information for new website DIYers or new web designers, to help you learn what’s most important & get started on the right footing!
Inside the Modules…
Brand Strategy is so important, because authenticity & consistency are key to building a recognizable & relatable brand for your audience, –among other things!
Website Strategy is the part that helps convert visitors into fans, and from fans into clients or customers. Whether you realize it or not, your site needs a basic sales strategy!
Content Strategy goes hand-in-hand with your website’s sales strategy, you’ll find out how & why in this module!
A Launch Strategy is important so you know what to do when you “launch” your website. What things do you check? Where do you tell people about it? All questions we address in this module!
Having an Analytics Strategy will help you track your progress, and understand how visitors are using your website. Knowing what to check for this information & where to look is important!
Last but not least, your Marketing Strategy is maybe the most important thing, because “Build it & they will come” is not a strategy. I’ll share what’s worked for me & other strategies to try with pros/cons!
An easy one-time payment that you choose!
+ Add the Mini-Audit if you want some personal feedback when you’re done with the lessons!
It's different for everybody, but you can absolutely finish this whole mini-course in less than a week if you have the time. With less than 5 hours of video, and simple homework, you can knock it out & learn a LOT, in a single day, a weekend or 30-60 min a day over a week. Whatever works for you!
✨ Within 30 minutes, immediately following your purchase, you should receive an email with a link to a form where you can fill out some brief information to help me learn what your website is supposed to be doing, where to do the audit, and share any concerns you have & want to ask me about which I can cover in your audit video.
You have up to 90 days to submit this form. (Don't worry, you will get several reminders before then!)
Within 5 business days of receiving your form submission, I will record a 30+/– minute video with page-by-page feedback on YOUR website, specifically for you. That video recording will be downloadable within a 30-ish day window of the day it is sent to you.
ℹ️ Feedback will be limited to pages we can access publicly from the navigational areas of your website, using your header & footer, etc. as any normal visitor would. I will not log in or need any login information from you in order to provide this service.
❗️ This is NOT pre-recorded, NOT standardized/generic information, and will NOT be available for download immediately after purchase. It's specific feedback for each person and can only be performed IF we receive the form submission within 90 days of your purchase.
↩️ If you do not submit that form, we don’t have the link to your website & cannot perform the service. Use it or lose it!
Don't worry, you get lifetime access to this mini-course AND any updates to the lessons.
That depends! How confident are you with your website right now? Are you already getting clients or sales from it? As with anything, improvements can always be made, but this mini-course was created for the novice DIY-website builder in mind.
THIS IS FOR YOU IF you admittedly don't know what you're doing, and have no idea what basic sales strategies are. You've got some content already, but now you're stuck with how to improve the site. This introductory mini-course will help you dip your toe into each strategy without overwhelm.
Good question! You can get back to your login from here: https://just.launchthedamnthing.com/l/
If you have any trouble, reach out & ask for help. 😃
Due to the nature of digital products with immediate access, there are no refunds for this mini-course because it's not possible for you to "return" the course information for a refund once you've been granted access. #sorrynotsorry
If you're not sure if this mini-course is right for you, make sure you watch the preview video above where you can get a sneak peek of what it's like inside, read the reviews from other students, and check out the other FAQ in this section "is this mini-course right for me?"