Squarespace Web Design & Business Tips

Images & Videos for Websites
File & format terminologies & size ranges, resource lists, and pre-sized blank Canva templates for various image ratios.

Category: Mindset Tips
10 Common Mistakes New Web Designers Make, with Paige Brunton
Dealing with the “I hate marketing” excuse
How to deal with the excuse, “I don’t know enough yet”
From Graphic Designer to Side Hustler, to Full-time Business Owner: My Story
Emotional Decision-Making: Scarcity vs. Abundance
How to handle bad or unhelpful design feedback
Should web designers be experts in more than one web builder?
3 tips to help get comfortable on camera
How does DIY content attract paying clients or customers?
3 Mindset Shifts You Need as a New (Anxious) Web Designer
Business insights from exploring our Enneagram types with Colie James
STOP saying “Imposter Syndrome” –say this instead
How & why I decided to become a Squarespace web designer
'Build it & they will come' is bullshit (& here's why)
Once upon a time, there was this new-fangled ‘World Wide Web’ that would allow people from across the world to find, access and share information in a central area.
It started with limited access, because we were all on Dial-Up (cue sounds of a phone line takeover, in order to connect to the interwebs).
At first it was really boring –yet quite novel. The more people who jumped onto it, the more it grew and evolved.
There were no data restrictions! Things loaded a bit slowly, but we began to love it!
Around Y2K, teenagers all over the US were coming home from school to jump into online chatrooms in AOL, Yahoo Messenger and Hotmail to meet people from across the country and their own friends from school to talk to each other in new ways.
Then there was MySpace, and Facebook. And now? Even family members of mine in their mid-80’s are online, checking & sending emails, and even my mother-in-law (who is not very tech savvy) has learned to use Emoji’s in her text messages! (I’m so proud!)
So how has this drastic change over time affected the way businesses have to show up online?
How I launched the damn thing!
How to know when having a 9-5 isn’t right for you
Should you list your prices on your website?
Scared to niche down? I was too!
How “specialized” are you?
Katelyn, here!
I’m the Founder, Owner, CEO, Designer & Educator at Launch the Damn Thing® and I love coffee, cursing & carefully laid plans. 😂 (Also reading, blaring loud music, and teaching, –but those didn’t fit into my nice alliteration!)

Did I just totally make your day? #goals