How to Contact (a human in) Squarespace Support
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Sept. 29, 2024
CEO Anthony Casalena shared the following update (paraphrased) at Circle Day on Sept 18, 2024, an international event I attended in-person at Squarespace’s headquarters office in New York, along with 100-200 other professional Circle Members & Squarespace staff.
Squarespace’s acquisition of Google Domains in late 2023, meant they acquired an additional ~10 million domains. Of those 10 million, ~7 million were also totally new customers that were not previously on Squarespace. Of those 7 million, approximately 100,000+ of those were sent over from Google Domains in an errored state which required hands-on help to fix something that was broken.
Since Google Domains shut down before all customers could be transferred to Squarespace successfully, those in an errored state were transferred when there was no ‘old software’ to fall back on while a fix was implemented.
It was those ~100k errored accounts which overwhelmed Squarespace’s Support while working to fix those issues, since the transfer of those errored-state customers began a few months ago.
To fix that, they've been working to bring on more Support staff to handle it, ––but it's just been a very rocky transition for a lot of people. Anthony’s frustration with the issue was obvious in his comments, but he & the team are very aware and are actively working to expand support so that things can go back to normal as soon as possible.
I do NOT work for Squarespace. I am NOT affiliated with Squarespace. I am NOT a representative of Squarespace, and I do NOT have insider knowledge that other Squarespace Circle Members don’t also have access to.
Anything I share in the article below is based on 9+ years of my personal experience actually using the platform on a near daily basis & what has always worked well in the past, or inferences from updates they’ve shared with us Circle members.
As soon as they update us on what’s changing & when, I will let you know here!
If you need help & all else fails… while their support chat has been limited, try DMing @SquarespaceHelp on X (Twitter) as they often respond over there too. Best of luck!
A very common question I see & get is “how do I contact Squarespace support?”
That's a great question! Most support areas have some sort of AI bot or ‘support assistant’ that’s (at least in my case) typically less than helpful for more seasoned users.
That said, you can access Squarespace support in two different places, either their ‘Contact Us’ page or their Help Center. If you go to the Help Center, you'll be able to search through all of their help docs, videos, and guides too, ––and they have a lot of them.
So keep in mind, Squarespace is ultimately a tech company; tech and the internet in general run on lightning speed, and so their platform is changing all the time, which means sometimes their guided videos aren’t able to keep up. I know from my own experience, that it’s a LOT harder to update videos than it is to update the Help Docs and Guides.
I mention this because I've heard a few complaints lately that they haven't updated their own videos in a while… and I mean, no wonder! They probably have thousands of things to update for each new/updated feature, and I can only image how difficult that would be to track & keep updated in a company that size.
So if you can't find your answer there or if you read the guide and you need the video, but the guide's updated and the video's not, (and you can’t find an answer on Google from people like me! 😂) that’s when it’s time to reach out to a person. That's what they're there for.
Squarespace does have live chat support and email support. They do not have phone support, but their live chat support is open from 4am to 8pm Eastern Standard Time.
If that window of availability doesn’t crossover with your work hours wherever you live/work, and you need help during the off hours, their email support is actually pretty good too and you typically will actually hear back within 24 hours. They're pretty fast.
So either way, whether you're using the Contact Us page or the Help Center, I'll show you the tip and trick that I use to get to a human being the fastest, because yes, you're going to hit AI bot FIRST, if you jump into that chat at any point.
I'm a Squarespace educator and web designer, and graphic designer by trade. I've been using Squarespace for a long time and I know a lot of tips and tricks that can help you get things done a little bit faster, ––like today's tip for contacting Squarespace support and bypassing that really annoying, basically never useful (in my experience), AI chat bot.
Let's dive in!
Using the Squarespace Help Center Access
Step 1: access Live Chat in the bottom right corner
Now let’s walk through how to contact Squarespace from their Help Center, because it's the easiest method!
It's may be hard to find for some, or less than obvious, but I'm sure they did that on purpose because they host millions of websites. That means there's potentially thousands of people asking for help at any given moment.
Quickly get a human in Live Chat Support
If you go to, you'll land on their Help Center. If you already have a Squarespace account and you're logged in, it might refresh the page immediately after it loads (looking like it loads twice) so that it can tell who is accessing it, so they can try to help you faster.
Look at the bottom right corner of the page and find the chat bot or messenger icon. Click on that chat icon, then you'll immediately get the Squarespace Support Assistant.
This ‘Assistant’ is an AI thing; it is not a human being, as you're probably already aware. That's probably why you're reading this post or watching its video. 🫠
Once you get the AI Assistant, all you have to do is type in a message that says, “Talk to a person.”
If you have searched already, you can't find the answer, and you just want to talk to a human being, literally just say that! “Talk to a person.”
Next, you’ll get a response from the AI bot that wants you to pick a topic. So I'm just gonna say “site design” as an example. (You should pick whatever is most relevant for you, obvs.)
Next, it will ask how you prefer to connect with support agents. The contact methods available will be dependent on the time you’re asking for help.
If Live Chat is open, you’ll see two options:
Send us an email (24/7)
Start a live chat (M-F 4am to 8pm Eastern)
If Live Chat is NOT open, you may only see the email option! But you can come back later when live chat opens again if you don’t want to use the email option.
Next, it will ask for your name, email, and the website that you have the question about.
After you've filled out those three things and sent each one, ––and you do have to click the send (paper airplane icon) for each one to send them individually–– it will then ask you to briefly say what you need help with.
Next, it's going to connect you to an agent and that usually happens fairly quickly. It will tell you what number you are in the queue while you wait. Typically it’ll be anywhere from 1-5 people ahead of you when they’re not as busy, and that goes by in about 5-10 minutes, max, usually faster. When they are busy I’ve seen it say up to 100 or so people were ahead of me and that was 30-60 minutes of a wait, but that is very rare!
As you wait in the queue, you'll hear the noise as soon as someone connects and he or she will introduce his/herself, and that's basically all there is to it!
After the chat is over, Squarespace’s chat system will now automatically email you a copy of that chat transcript for reference, whether or not you want it. Then they typically send a separate email asking how they did with a link to a 2-5 question survey
So that's it! It's a really fast process; it just might be a little hard to figure out how to get past the AI bot, if you’re unfamiliar with these kinds of things!
Using the Contact Page Access
If you happen to go to the Contact Us page instead, you can do the same thing from there, it's just a slightly different process.
In the first questions, you can tell them whether or not you have a Squarespace account, and then you can choose a broad topic related to what you need help with.
Let's pretend I have a question about billing and payment, for this example. Then I can select the closest thing to whatever my question is.
They'll ask you to check out their Help Center stuff first, and you probably should, because most basic questions can be answered there.
If you couldn’t find your answer(s) in the Help Center, then again, the contact options that will show here will be based on whether or not the Live Chat is open, and it tells you the open hours for that right here, 4am to 8pm, Eastern Standard Time (New York City).
If it's open, you can start a live chat from here in basically the same way that you did before, and if the using Email Support is all that's available, they respond 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Typically, you’ll get a reply within about 24 hours, but often it’s a lot less than that, or at least that's been my experience as a Squarespace Circle Member (’professional’ user).
If I start a live chat now, you can see that it's going to go through basically the same process. It pulls up that AI ‘Support Assistant’ chat bot again and then it asks me to enter my name, my email, my site URL, and the issue description. The questions here are a little different than those we just saw from the Help Center’s chat box, but it's going to do the same thing after you answer them, and work in the same way.
As soon as I submit those, then it's going to route me to the fastest person that can help me, and the wait time works in the same way as I showed you before.
Patience Will Almost Always Improve Your Experience!
I hope that was helpful for you! Contacting Squarespace doesn't have to be hard or confusing! It may feel like it because they're a giant corporation and they serve a lot of people, so the options are limited because they have a lot of people reaching out.
It’s important to remind you that you will improve your support experience by being PATIENT with the process & with your agent. If you are patient with them while they help you troubleshoot (& go through the steps they are required to take with each support ticket), then your overall experience won’t be shit. 😂 Don’t make their jobs harder than it has to be, by being rude when you’re frustrated, that just makes the whole situation worse –for you & for them.
Remember they are human beings too & they are answering (frustrated people’s) questions ALL DAMN DAY, probably, so be the sunshine in their day when you can, and not the storm clouds. Most of them (that I’ve ever talked to, since 2016) have been genuinely happy & eager to help, so don’t dump your frustration on them & you’re more likely to get a helpful answer and a more pleasant experience!
Hopefully this helps you access support a little faster, and solve your problems in a happier way!