Squarespace Web Design & Business Tips


Squarespace Tips, Popular Katelyn Dekle Squarespace Tips, Popular Katelyn Dekle

My favorite Squarespace plugin resources!

If you’ve been at this Squarespace thing long enough to feel pretty comfortable using the platform, then you might be at the point where you want to be able to do some things a little different than the template allows.

Or, maybe you’re just a “think outside the bun” kinda girl and you want to jazz it up a bit. Get it further away from the template than you otherwise could if you knew some code.

Yeah, me too. Been there, done that & I’m not a developer; I’m a designer.

And if you’re here reading this, I’m guessing you are too.

Plugins (mostly CSS) will be your new best friend, just don’t use too many at one time… it can become confusing.

I’m sharing my trusted resources for these here, so keep reading!

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'Build it & they will come' is bullshit (& here's why)

Once upon a time, there was this new-fangled ‘World Wide Web’ that would allow people from across the world to find, access and share information in a central area.

It started with limited access, because we were all on Dial-Up (cue sounds of a phone line takeover, in order to connect to the interwebs).

At first it was really boring –yet quite novel. The more people who jumped onto it, the more it grew and evolved.

There were no data restrictions! Things loaded a bit slowly, but we began to love it!

Around Y2K, teenagers all over the US were coming home from school to jump into online chatrooms in AOL, Yahoo Messenger and Hotmail to meet people from across the country and their own friends from school to talk to each other in new ways.

Then there was MySpace, and Facebook. And now? Even family members of mine in their mid-80’s are online, checking & sending emails, and even my mother-in-law (who is not very tech savvy) has learned to use Emoji’s in her text messages! (I’m so proud!)

So how has this drastic change over time affected the way businesses have to show up online?

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Squarespace Tips Katelyn Dekle Squarespace Tips Katelyn Dekle

How to add, access & manage your files on Squarespace

Want to put a PDF on a page that people can download? Maybe you don’t know how to add your resume, or an opt-in?

Since Squarespace (oddly) doesn’t have a normal Media Library, it’s not obvious where to add these things, or once you’ve added them, ––where did they go?

I'll show ya how to upload files to your Squarespace site, where to find them & how to manage them.

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Mindset Matters: dealing with your fears & excuses

Excuses are the WORST. Many times we don’t even realize that’s what they are.

We use them to defend ourselves.

To play victim to our situations.

To keep from having to take a risk.

To keep from getting hurt, and many other reasons.

To keep from playing big, so we won’t fail.

But if you look back on those previous 5 sentences… what’s the common thread there?


Are you using fear & excuses to stay stuck?

How do we overcome our fears & how do we keep fear from ruining our lives, and our businesses?

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Squarespace Tips, Popular Katelyn Dekle Squarespace Tips, Popular Katelyn Dekle

How to create same-page navigation links in Squarespace

Ever wish you could just have a link to a different section on the same page? If ya click on it, it automatically scrolls to that spot for you. Fast, easy, smooth, –modern. Yeah!

This one can be a bit sneaky! It’s not hard to set up, but it’s also not obvious how.

I’ll walk you through how to set this up within a Brine template in 7.0, code free, AND in 7.1 with code, but it’s super simple & I’ll give ya the cut-and-paste code snippet so you can run with it easily.

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Squarespace Tips Katelyn Dekle Squarespace Tips Katelyn Dekle

How to optimize your Squarespace website for mobile screens

Unlike Showit and Wix, Squarespace doesn’t let you separately alter your design for mobile size screens. That’s both a great thing and an irritation, tbh.

Great because: you’re not designing anything twice; it’s all automatic.
Not great because: it’s all automatic & you have no specific control how the design reacts on mobile without custom code.

So how do Squarespace designers deal with this problem?

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Design Tips Katelyn Dekle Design Tips Katelyn Dekle

3 Must-Have Resources for Designers

I’m SO effin’ excited to talk about these resources today! You just don’t even know. 😂

  • One does all the logo exporting FOR you, in #alltheformats, saving a shitload of time.

  • Another makes it super simple to video chat with customers, –no more downloads for them to join the call!

  • The last one is maaaaybe, my favorite: a genius way to share our work with the client, stay sane, stick to the rules & still be organized.

Can I get a hell to the yeah, ladies?! Ok. I can’t wait anymore. Let’s dive in!

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Squarespace Tips Katelyn Dekle Squarespace Tips Katelyn Dekle

5 Squarespace Myths, Busted!

There’s something I very much dislike about unconfirmed bias. Do you feel the same way?

I’m talking about you telling your mom you ‘hated’ broccoli as a kid… before you ever tried it. 🥦 (Side note, whyyyy do we do this??)

As a kid, you have your parent/guardian to correct you or tell you something like: “How do you know you don’t like it if you’ve never tried it?”

As an adult though, hopefully you have your friends & family, and in your business hopefully you have your team, your mastermind, your coach, or even yourself, if you’re a solopreneur, –to remind you that just because you think or feel something, that doesn’t make it true. You have to investigate for yourself and use reputable sources during the investigation.

Why am I talking about bias & research? Because today’s topic is a fiery 🔥 one and it tends to be refuted by extremely biased folks who don’t have personal experience to judge from.

Today’s I’m debunking popular Squarespace myths, from my own research for the truth and my own experience using the platform for both myself and my clients.

Yes, that does technically make me biased toward Squarespace, but you can bet your ass I’ve hunted for the truth many times (no matter what it actually is) before coming to a decision on the topic. And not only that, but if some of these myths were true, I wouldn’t be recommending Squarespace to anybody, much less using it myself. 😉

So let’s get on with it!

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Katelyn, here!

I’m the Founder, Owner, CEO, Designer & Educator at Launch the Damn Thing® and I love coffee, cursing & carefully laid plans. 😂 (Also reading, blaring loud music, and teaching, –but those didn’t fit into my nice alliteration!)

Learn more over here!

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