5 ways to keep people on your blog longer (more 👀 = more 💰)

Today I’m honored to share my guest spot on Jessica Stansberry’s channel, Hey Jessica –talking about how to make our blogs more user-friendly.

Why? Because blogging is NOT dead.

And yes, you can still blog & make money from it, directly or indirectly.

With that in mind, check out her final edit of my topic!

Or read through it over on her blog, here.

Katelyn Dekle

This article was written by me, Katelyn Dekle, the owner & designer behind Launch the Damn Thing®!

I love coffee & chai, curse like a sailor, make meticulous plans, am very detail-oriented, and love designing websites on Squarespace. As a Web Designer & Educator with nearly 20 years of professional design experience, I’m still passionate about helping & teaching others how to finally 'launch the damn thing' –and have fun in the process!


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